Meet Your Financial Goals!

Get help meeting your financial goals by registering for “60 Days to Change,” a free online- and email- based program. Healthy Horizons is sponsoring the program — presented by financial counselor Peter Dunn — for all Butler staff and faculty.

Register here no later than Friday, Feb. 8.

The first “60 Days to Change” emails go out Feb. 11. Please pick up your program book before then at the Healthy Horizons office, Pharmacy Building, Room 110, weekdays 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

All Butler employees are invited to complete an anonymous financial wellness survey. The survey gauges our workforce’s level of personal financial stress, and identifies potential areas of focus, so that Healthy Horizons can bring you programming to address challenge areas.

Call Healthy Horizons at (317) 940-8143 or email with questions.