Financial Wellness: The Extra $20 in your Account



dollar billThe average tank of gasoline for your car is $1 less than it was even six months ago. For a car with a 20 gallon gas tank, this is a $20 savings per fill up. We do not know when the pump prices will increase or decrease, so the extra money is likely temporary savings.


So, what are you doing with the extra $20?

  • Possibly, consider saving it, or putting it in a child’s college savings account.
  • Create or add to a rainy day fund.
  • Put it toward paying off debt, or spend cash at the holiday season rather than adding charges to a credit card bill.
  • Consider trying a super food with the savings.
  • Maybe purchase new walking/running shoes, yoga mat, or a balance ball.

Consider this,if someone makes $10 per hour who is filling up his/her car each week, this is 2 hours of work they have to increase their financial wellbeing.