Please Join Healthy Horizons and the HRC For A Wellness Gift Event – TOMORROW


DECEMBER 8TH, 12:00-1:00, ROBERTSON HALL FORD SALONchair massage

aroma therapyPlease join Healthy Horizons and the HRC to learn more about our wellness services designed specifically for full and part time faculty and staff.

Enjoy a plethora of fruitcomplimentary offerings, including:
free chair massages (first come, first serve), Stress Less Yoga tips , an  aromatherapy bar, Adult Coloring Therapy Station, healthy holiday recipes, and so much more! Also, complimentary snacks – Impact Bars (an organic Olympia granola bar), fresh fruit, and a coffee and tea bar compliments of Staff Assembly.

All participants will be entered into a drawing for prizes provided by the HRC and Healthy Horizons including: HRC yoga mats and foam rollers, Healthy Horizons fleeces, refrigerated grocery bag, first aid kit, a plush blanket, and 3 free sessions of personal training at the HRC!