The Best Of A New Batch

We’ve recently added a ton of new student work to the Exclusive Ink online zine. Here’s a sampling of what our Shortridge writers have to say:

“Dreams” by Daniel
Money Line: We should take care of our dreams just like we take care of a newborn baby.

“Feet” by Isiah
Money Line: But every curve of our existence / Is represented on our feet. / I think I found the eighth wonder of the world, cause / That’s an amazing sight to see.

“Decide To Be Undecided” by Eric
Money Line: I love that your memory is just an invaluable knickknack and I am unable to find it . . . I love that you drown out your beauty with the melody of being self righteous.

“What Does Poetry Mean To Me?” by Brandon
Money Line: It is life, it is love, it is loyal to your heartfelt opinions . . . It’s the parent who sneaks into your room at night to kiss you goodnight when all is balmy.

“Wild Fire” by Vivian
Money Line: Enemies being gained like rain drops hitting the window. Backs being stabbed to make it feel like you didn’t have a spine at all.

“Tsunami” by Curtis
Money Line: A man kissing the sky in remembrance of a lost one. He’s a tsunami needing a city.