Sometimes we take our time spent at Shortridge for granted and don’t necessarily take into account that, because we’re part of Butler University, that we will have a Spring Break. Although we all welcome the break from classes on campus and the routines we all get in to, whether we’re athletes or pharmacy students, I think that I can comfortably speak for most of us when I say that we definitely miss Shortridge. But, to keep everyone up on some of the things we got to see right before school let out for a few weeks, here are a few of our reflections from a powerful day at Shortridge that centered on the idea of going back in time. The responses ranged from the truly touching and emotionally raw to conspiracy theory to flat-out hilarious:
Sarah Hamm: I worked with K –, and her poem was so powerful and full of emotion that it rocked me. I think it rocked a lot of us. She wrote a touching piece about her grandmother. The time traveling prompt led her to think about going back in time and spending more time with her. Her raw emotion blossomed into an amazing poem. She is an awesome writer who is sometimes not comfortable sharing her emotions and I think this poem was huge. She touched a lot of people with it and I think it was a powerful moment for her, her classmates, and us college students
Hayley Adams: Yesterday was super fun because of the mind-blowing conspiracy theories A – shared with Hannah and me. the prompt was so inviting and easy for everyone to relate to and understand that half the fun was just hearing about what the kids enjoy about history!
Logan Spackman: Yesterday I worked with M –, and we had a lot of fun thinking about this prompt. I’d worked with him before, but I found that, on this second go-around, he was much more open and talkative than the time before. That was really encouraging. We worked on a Pete the Panther story, and M – was really into thinking about where he could send this character. He started bringing up the Big Bang, what would that moment look like, and conversely, the end of the universe also, and what that would look like. Could Pete go to these places? He’d write a sentence, then ask me questions about parallel universes, and so on. It got deep. I found that he really liked talking about the possibilities of his story, what might happen, if Pete needed a sidekick, where would a lion dictator named Vincent live etc. I really want some of his work in the magazine, and this would be a good one to have in there.
Elizabeth McGlone: Today’s prompt was awesome! Time travel is something that intrigues most everyone and leaves tons of room for imagination. I worked with E – today and she was super excited about the prompt. She even had seen Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. E – and I both wrote stories, and I wrote a poem. She was still working on her story when I had to leave. I think it was the perfect prompt to achieve the goal of getting at least one piece of writing from everyone and I hope we did!
Compiled by Luke Wortley