
There’s a long story behind this, but I’d just like to cut to the chase and encourage Butler staff, faculty and students to report any water stained ceiling tile they may find to Facilities.  You see, recently, Web Services was displaced and moved to PB 015 for what would probably be a six-week stint.  Turns out there is a mild mold issue in the room due to some leaky pipes.  So, the team is moving again today.

Anyway, mold CAN cause severe health issues.  What we learned through this process is that Don Borden and the rest of the facilities crew need to KNOW about potential mold threats as soon as possible.  No one at Butler, including Facilities, wants to see faculty, staff or students face adverse health conditions due to something preventable like this.  So, report those water stained ceiling tiles when you see them!  🙂

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