Muhammad’s Night Journey and Connections to Christianity

I recently read a text that detailed the Night Journey of Muhammad, and it was especially interesting because it reminded me of Dante’s Inferno. In that narrative, the poet Dante travels, with a guide (who is the famous poet, Virgil) as well, through the seven circles of hell, through purgatory, and then through paradise, or… Continue reading Muhammad’s Night Journey and Connections to Christianity

Rumi Blog Post

Rumi’s poem excerpts were a little confusing to understand, but I found a unique kind of beauty in the words. I like #12, which basically reveals how the important things in life do not cost anything. Their turban and robe cost almost nothing while their self cost less than nothing. This shows how you can’t… Continue reading Rumi Blog Post

Western Peace

What do we sacrifice to get the American dream? Peace and tranquility. In class today we talked about some benefits that we have in the U.S and how other countries view us as a glorious place where dreams come true. But what I think the reality turns out to be is much different than what… Continue reading Western Peace

Rumi’s Poems Thoughts

I wanted to reflect on #15. Whenever I first glanced over these words, I felt that something was calling on me to dissect it and apply it to what it means to me. I feel these 4 lines tell a short story about how love can ignite the spirit in someone. Whether this love is… Continue reading Rumi’s Poems Thoughts