Archive for January 25, 2013
Amanda CAT 1/25/2013
0Today I finished the business cards (based off the list of people on the appointy page) and saved them on my buFiles and sent them to my associates.
I took the excel quiz.
I helped Professor Reis with moodle turn it in (with help from Kent)
I watched atomic learning and practiced excel
Megan 1/25 CAT
0Today I watched the Excel training videos on Atomic Learning. Then I worked on and completed my spreadsheet. I uploaded my spreadsheet to Moodle, there was one error I had on the frequency page but Marcus said that he thought there was an issue with the spreadsheet file, so I ignored it and kept working. I also read the file about helping MS 100/265 students. Then, I created my own WordPress website, and started watching videos to familiarize myself with the process.
Gaby 1/25 Libary
0I worked on my newsletter article some more, helped some people with the stapler, counted the money in the register, and re shelved a few reference books.
Alex CAT 1-25-13
0Today I assisted a professor with WordPress in trying to add a sidebar to one of her pages. I also worked on Google forms for CCC. I created a sample form and started adding entries to later analyze in the spreadsheet.
Shannon H.-1/25-Library & CAT
0Today at the library I reviewed the different databases, and worked with Primo. At CAT I worked on my Excel training, and my WordPress training by watching the videos. I plan on finishing my Excel training next week.
Ryan CAT 2/25
0- Worked on GarageBand QG’s
*I’ve already completed the Audacity Project on Moodle
Lindsey Wacnik 1/25 CAT
0Today I looked at Moodle, Googled common questions and problems with Moodle, tested out some of the questions, and attended the Turnitin Moodle training!