Archive for January, 2013

Kate 1/28 CAT


Today I finished the glossary terms! yayy!! if anything needs to be changed or fixed just let me know!

Cierra Lib 1-28-13


I did everyday tasks.  Two staplers were jammed, but I fixed them.  I read the updates.  I am sorting through the unclaimed print jobs and scrap paper to make sure that at least the majority of one side of the paper is blank and can be used as scrap.  I am updating my CV today.

Ryan CAT 1/28

  • Edited GarageBand QGs and added them to the QG template
  • Worked on Professional Development Project

Maddie Library 1/27/13


I wrote my article on the Celebration of Scholarship Event for the February newsletter and helped answer some questions.

Amanda CAT 1/25/2013


Today I finished the business cards (based off the list of people on the appointy page) and saved them on my buFiles and sent them to my associates.

I took the excel quiz.

I helped Professor Reis with moodle turn it in (with help from Kent)

I watched atomic learning and practiced excel

Gaby 1/25 CAT


Today, I started my iMovie training!

Megan 1/25 CAT


Today I watched the Excel training videos on Atomic Learning. Then I worked on and completed my spreadsheet. I uploaded my spreadsheet to Moodle, there was one error I had on the frequency page but Marcus said that he thought there was an issue with the spreadsheet file, so I ignored it and kept working. I also read the file about helping MS 100/265 students. Then, I created my own WordPress website, and started watching videos to familiarize myself with the process.

Gaby 1/25 Libary


I worked on my newsletter article some more, helped some people with the stapler, counted the money in the register, and re shelved a few reference books.

Alex CAT 1-25-13


Today I assisted a professor with WordPress in trying to add a sidebar to one of her pages. I also worked on Google forms for CCC. I created a sample form and started adding entries to later analyze in the spreadsheet.

Shannon H.-1/25-Library & CAT


Today at the library I reviewed the different databases, and worked with Primo. At CAT I worked on my Excel training, and my WordPress training by watching the videos. I plan on finishing my Excel training next week.

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