Archive for January, 2013

Maddie CAT 1/22/13


I continued working on my iMovie and added text, music, sound effects, and transitions. Next week I hope to finish and add the voice and video elements. Meg, Kenton, and I also helped with some questions about WordPress.

Cierra Lib 1-22-13


Today I looked through BU Answers and the copyright FAQ.  I did database searches.

Amanda CAT 1/22/2013


Today I completed saving my iMovie file under bufiles.

I started my instructor settings under moodle.

Amanda CAT 1/18/2013


Today I finished my iMovie project. I do not have access to BUfiles for IT so I just saved it in my personal BUfile.

I completed the first set of tasks on moodle with assistance from Atomic Learning to submit an assignment, and

upload a video. I watched majority Atomic Learning for Students, except the Wiki section.

I began work on the Instructor assignments for moodle but could not continue because I did not have access

to the instructor page format.


Gaby 1/18 CAT


I spent a little bit of time getting more acquainted with Moodle and started the Moodle training. Then I looked at a few Excel Atomic Learning videos.

Megan CAT 1/18/13


Today, I worked for three hours in CAT. I worked on my iMovie project in JH048 and completed it after a couple hours. I started working on the iMovie checklist, but I wan’t completely sure about that process and what should be included. Then, I started working on Moodle training. I completed the fake assignment and uploaded a video. I did not finish the quiz yet, but I started working my way around Moodle to figure it out.

Gaby 1/18 Library


I helped with color printing, re shelved some reference books, loaded some paper into the printer, and counted the money and returned the cash box to the shelf by the circulation desk.

Alex CAT 1/18/13


Today I worked on various Moodle tasks including submitting an assignment, Moodle quiz, and uploading a video, and the Moodle instructor assignment. I then proceeded to continue to work on my iMovie bio project adding moving video to the project.

Shannon H.-Library/CAT-1/18


Today, I was shown around the library and learned about copying,faxing, and working the computers. I learned about the cash box, and color copying. I also looked at frequently asked questions. Then at CAT, I finished my iMovie but it will not let me export the file to \\bufiles\group\IT because it says I am not permitted so I will have to have someone help me with it. I then worked on my iMovie skills checklist and then worked/completed some assignments on Moodle.

Kate 1/18 CAT


just workin on that glossary project!

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