Archive for January, 2013
Gaby 1/16 Library
0Katie gave me an introduction to the job and showed me how to fill the printer and how the copier and such worked. I explored the Info Commons lib guides and BU Answers. Ginny then showed me about the copy card and more about the scanner.
Shannon H.-CAT-1/16
0Today I worked on my iMovie, and almost have it complete now. Plan on finishing it my next shift on Friday.
Alex – CAT 1-16-13
0Today I worked on my iMovie bio adding music, pictures, and title pages to the project.
Megan CAT/Library 1/16
0Today I got started on my iMovie project and went through the power point and directions. I still don’t have access to the folders on my account so Erica had to send me the files. I also looked up some technology facts. I also worked in the library for my first time. Tim showed me around the desk and explained some things. I also read about some of the basic processes on LibGuides.
Schdule Change
0Dear Amy and Meg,
I had to change my schedule, so I can no longer work any of the hours I have signed up for. My new class schedule is:
Monday: 9am – 4pm
Tuesday: 10am – 2pm
Wednesday: 9am – 4pm
Thursday: 1pm – 5pm
Friday: 9am – 2pm
I am sorry if this apposes for the incontinence.
Gaby 1/15 CAT
0Today was my first day in the Center for Academic Technology. I got a tour from Meg of the office and the tasks I would be doing. Afterwards, there was the in-service meeting. ThenĀ I made my bio for the bulletin board (I still have to print it) and then started Excel training.