Archive for February, 2013
Shannon S @ CAT&Lib 2/28/2013
0Today I worked on my professional development website, it is almost done. I also checked people in to the moodle grade book workshop today. I sat in for the first 20 mins. Then I started to work on the Dreamweaver project and watched more of the videos. During my shift in the library I watched Ginny answer a research question and then explored some of the data bases. I checked a row of Ref Books and then worked some more on my website.
Amanda CAT 2/28/2013
0Today I talked with Erica about what I’ve been doing in CAT lately
I finished my graphic on Maya Angelou and sent it to Kate.
I started editing my reflection in hopes to finish it tomorrow
Alex Library 2-28-13
0Today in the library I worked on finalizing the COB Career Development LibGuide and sent it to Business Librarian Teresa Williams and Tim Hommey for review.
Ryan CAT 2/28
0- Looked up Tech Facts and Tweets
- Discussed Spring Reflection with Erica, and plans on relearning Access
Amanda CAT 2/28/2013
0Today I made some changes to my Cleopatra poster that Kate suggested.
I began working on my Maya Angelou poster.
Gaby 2/27 Library
0I answered some questions, put away a reference books, helped with some printer issues, and helped someone reserve a study room.
Shannon H.-2/27-CAT/Panopto
0Today I helped with Panopto in the Pharmacy Building, while the Pharmacy students did their group consultations.
Alex CAT 2-27-13
0Today I went over the iMovie script with Erica and then thought about how I would give the presentation to a class that wanted to learn about iMovie.
Megan 2/27 Library
0Today I shelved some reference books and directed a student to the third floor to find a book she was looking for. I also played around with some of the databases.