Archive for February 5, 2013

Gaby 2/5 CAT


Besides a few computer issues during my shift, I spent my time continuing WordPress training. I added more posts to my blog along with another page. And after an embarrassing amount of tries, I finally got a Youtube video embedded.

Amanda CAT 2/5/2013


This afternoon I cut the business cards and have about 8 left

Shannon S. @CAT 2/5/13


Today I finished my Excel training and uploaded my formula spreadsheet onto Moodle. Then I started to watch the videos for WordPress and looked thought the checklist.

Maddie CAT 2/5/13


Today I sat in on a Moodle Training given by Matt. I learned a lot about Moodle, especially from the standpoint of an administrator. Next I completed the Moodle instructor training by setting up my own “class” page on Moodle, posting forum, announcements, links, documents, and creating a quiz. I emailed Meg to check it out. This will complete my Moodle training and I hope to move on to Excel next time.

Congratulations, Kate!


Team Marcus & Erica gets the high-five two weeks in a row….that’s because we are awesome!

Amanda CAT 2/5/2013


This morning I printed the business cards on card stock

Then I attempted cutting them out… that’s a work in progress, I’m trying to figure out the best way to cut them so they actually look like business cards!

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