Archive for April, 2013

Megan 4/26 CAT


Today I made some updates to my LinkedIn and WordPress blog. I also played in Photoshop and started making a flyer with all the technology logos that we offer support on. I also looked into Prezi because I had never used it, and created an example presentation. I also read up on the retreat planning document and filled out the IC surveymonkey!

Alex CAT 4-26-13


Today I found background music to add to the promo video and tweaked some things in the video so it can be ready for next Monday.

Shannon H.-4/26/CAT


Today I helped at the New Student Registration event. Then I finished my Audacity project and submitted it, and did the Audacity quiz.

Shannon S @ CAT & Lib 4/25/2013


Today I responded to the email about the retreat and brainstormed some ideas with Michelle. I made the corrections to the Skype guide that me and meg talked about

Amanda CAT 4/25/2013


I found hours that I could work during the beginning of May

I looked through libstats

I found some different ways to track data on libstats

Amanda CAT 4/25/2013


I took care of some post social activities.

I talked with michelle about my next tasks

I worked on wordpress script

Gaby 4/24 Library


I went to an LRC workshop about preparing for finals. I answered a few printer questions, and I helped someone find a book about citations.

Alex CAT 4-24-12


Today Erica and I led an iMovie/Movie Maker training session for a FYS class.

Megan 4/24


Haven’t posted on my blog this week, so this post should make up for it!


Monday, I worked with Amy in the pharmacy building to help with the PA makeup exams.


Today (Wednesday), Lindsey and I worked on the awesome farewell video for the seniors that will be played this afternoon at the social! And right now, I’m in the library helping people with color printing and the usual library excitements!

Shannon H.- 4/24- CAT


Today I helped with Panopto assistance in the Pharmacy building, which ended up have a lot server problems (i.e. connecting to the server itself). However that lightened up a bit as time went on

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