Shannon H.-3/29-CAT
0Today I helped with the new student information slide shows again in the Reilly Room. Then in CAT I worked with my photoshop project that I almost have done, but there was a little snag which I fixed.
Shannon H.-3/27-CAT
0Today, Meg and I went over the Panopto and got me set up on the, sight. I also looked at some things on LinkedIn to further my professional development. A teacher came in with a problem about Moodle, and I found out how to work with the all of the restrictions on Moodle. I worked on more of the Photoshop project.
Alex CAT 3-27-13
0Today in CAT I added the interview I film with Professor Davidson to the IC Promo video in iMovie and continued to edit content for the video. I also met with Liz Thompson from CCC to edit reports sent to professors using Google Forms.
Gaby 3/26 CAT
0Today I went to the LRC Workshop for test anxiety and thought about technology that could be incorporated into the program.
Shannon S. @CAT 3/26/2013
0Today I checked in with meg about my progress and such. she gave me a project making a quick guide and i stated working on that. For a majority of my shift i worked learning more about Panopto and answering email.
Alex CAT 3-25-13
0Today in CAT I sent Erica an update on the IC promo video and checked in with Liz at CCC for regarding Google Forms. I also continued work on the IC promo video by setting up interviews and importing footage to iMovie.
Alex CAT 3-22-13
0Today I continued work on the IC promo video capturing some footage of Irwin Library Information Commons and Jordan Hall.