Shannon H.-3/4-CAT
0Today I led an iMovie and Digital Storytelling presentation in two classes. It was a new experience but I really enjoyed it
Alex CAT 3-4-13
0Today I familiarized myself with Panopto on a Mac because before now I had only used Panopto with PCs and discussed my reflection with Erica and Marcus.
Shannon S @CAT 3/1/2013
0I finished all the Dreamweaver videos and Dreamweaver project. Then Tim had me work on a small project for him making postcards.
Gaby 3/1 CAT
0Today I continued brainstorming a list of possible technologies and tools that may coincide with the LRC training I attended. I am learning about a program called StudyBlue, which I think could be really helpful for students.
Shannon H.-3/1-Library/CAT
0Today I worked on my classroom mediation, and have almost finished it except for the Smart Board because I want to go through the process by actually using one. I also reviewed the iMovie script with Erica by presenting it to her in JH048, so I could review for Monday when I give DST and iMovie presentations in a class. Next week I plan on officially finishing my Excel project, and begin on my Audacity training.
Shannon S @ CAT&Lib 2/28/2013
0Today I worked on my professional development website, it is almost done. I also checked people in to the moodle grade book workshop today. I sat in for the first 20 mins. Then I started to work on the Dreamweaver project and watched more of the videos. During my shift in the library I watched Ginny answer a research question and then explored some of the data bases. I checked a row of Ref Books and then worked some more on my website.
Shannon H.-2/27-CAT/Panopto
0Today I helped with Panopto in the Pharmacy Building, while the Pharmacy students did their group consultations.
Gaby 2/26 CAT
0I started my shift by continuing my iMovie training. Then I got to go to the Effective Reading and Note Taking workshop held by the Learning Resource Center. That was helpful, and I am brainstorming ways Information Commons can be incorporated in their programs. I also finished my article for the IC newsletter.
Shannon S @CAT 2/26/13
0today i worked on my professional blog and meg showed me how to work panopto.