Shannon S. @CAT & Lib 3/7/2013
0I finished my Audacity training. Then i finished my portfolio website and published it. Here’s the link. After I finished that I started to work on the Photoshop Project. I started with practicing the tutorials. I also emailed Erin the answers to her questions about professional development. And i am almost done with everything on moodle if anybody has anything they would like me to do I am up for it.
Alex Library 3-7-13
0Today I assisted students and faculty by directed them in the right direction to find the book they needed.
Megan 3/6 Library
0Today I made some notes on the IC website and added them to the word document on the desktop. I checked a couple shelves in the reference area to make sure they were in order. Then, I checked out some of the Information Commons LibGuides.
Alex Library 3-4-13
0Today I revisited the COB Career Development LibGuide and published it to send to Teresa Williams for further review. The last time I sent the link to her she was unable to view it.
Gaby 3/1 Library
0I counted the money in the cash register, answered some questions, and helped someone find an article online.
Shannon H.-3/1-Library/CAT
0Today I worked on my classroom mediation, and have almost finished it except for the Smart Board because I want to go through the process by actually using one. I also reviewed the iMovie script with Erica by presenting it to her in JH048, so I could review for Monday when I give DST and iMovie presentations in a class. Next week I plan on officially finishing my Excel project, and begin on my Audacity training.