Why Fads Can Become Bad

November 11, 2015

In a society where we constantly strive for perfection, satisfaction or success we often see these characteristics become aspects of everyday life of people. We see this come into affect largely when viewing body image, often we see models, and celebrities photo shopped/altered through media in these unrealistic ways and want to make our bodies look like theirs even if takes drastic measures. Some people have the financial stability to surgically alter their body, while most turn to the internet to find out what the next best diet is. While in the process it is not uncommon to come across a diet that offers you promising results typically in a short amount of time. So you’re telling me I can loose this much weight, this fast just by following these simple guidelines? Most people see themselves on their way to the perfect body in no time but sadly they are mistaken. More than likely what they have found is a fad diet.


What is a Fad Diet?

A weight loss plan or aid that promises dramatic results

  • Typically don’t result in long-term weight loss and they are usually not very healthy. In fact, some of these diets can actually be dangerous to your health

Why are they Popular?

  • People are willing to try anything that promises to help them look or feel better
  • Many people prefer to try the quick fix rather than making long-term changes
  • Also many fad diets work for short amounts of time

How to Recognize a Fad Diet?

  • Limit your variety of food choices
  • Claim to help you lose more than 1 or 2 pounds per week
  • Require you to spend a lot of money on things for the plan to work
  • Promise that you can lose weight and keep it off without giving up “fatty” foods or exercising regularly

The Atkins Diet

Dr. Atkins, a well- known cardiologist created the Atkins diet which limits the intake of carbohydrates. The idea behind this diet is to change the type of fuel you are burning so that you can lose more or maintain weight. You must reduce carbohydrates which are turned into sugars so that the body is burning and using fat as fuel and weight is being lost even when more calories are being consumed. It is presumed that in your typical diet calories are reduced but the body is still taking in a high amount of carbohydrates which are turned into sugars so our body will cycle between sugar “highs” and “lows”. During these highs the excess sugar will be stored in the body as fat and during the lows you feel fatigued and experience hungry and cravings.

Risks of Low-Carb Diets

Short term:


-Bad breath



-Constipation or diarrhea

Long term:

-Vitamin or mineral deficiencies

-Bone loss

-Gastrointestinal disturbances

-Increased risk for various chronic diseases



The SlimFast Diet

SlimFast is a weight loss plan that is focused on using meal replacements to help support weight loss and dieting. Most SlimFast plans can easily be related to your basic low-calorie diet, the latest of the ever popular Slim Fast plans is their “3-2-1 Plan”. The “3-2-1 Plan” consist of three snack, two meal replacement shakes or bars, and one actual meal per day. Ideally the meal replacements substitute breakfast and lunch while you eat a healthy 500 calorie meal for dinner. The shakes and meal bars advertised to curb hunger for up to four hours, while some still find that they are hunger after consuming them. Also over time products such as SlimFast can become expensive being that their plans call for multiple servings of their products in one day.

Risks of Liquid Diets

Short Term:

-Gallstone formation





Long Term:

-Damage to the intestinal tract

-Impaired liver or kidney function


-Vulnerability to communicable diseases

-Gaining fat

The Fit for Life Diet

Harvey and Marilyn Diamond created the Fit for Life Diet which is diet based on food combining. The diet disregards calorie counts and controlling portion size but rather emphasizes the idea of combining the correct food and avoiding the wrong combinations of food to eat. This theory roots from the naturalistic view of Diamond, it is “dead foods” that clog or rot in the body while “living foods” cleanse the body. Some “dead foods” would be meats and starches while some “living foods” would be raw fruits and vegetables. A few rules are that no dairy foods should ever be eaten, only fruit and fruit juice should be eaten from the time one awakes until noon, and carbohydrates and proteins should never be put in the stomach at the same time. As one can see a diet like this has very strict restrictions.

Risks of Food Combining Diets

-Vitamin and mineral deficiencies (Calcium)

-Difficultly getting RDA’s

-Gastrointestinal disturbances



How to Lose Weight Healthily?

  • Eat a variety of foods to help get all your daily nutrients
  • Do not skip meals, especially breakfast
  • Exercise on a regular basis
  • Avoid calorie dense foods
  • Control portion sizes


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If you feel the need to change your lifestyle, rather than trying one these fads consult with a specialist which can be found here on our campus.

Butler University Counseling Services
530 W. 49th Street (HRC, Room 110)
Indianapolis, IN 46208
Phone: (317) 940-9385


Davidson, Tish. “Fit for Life Diet.” Diet.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2015.

Lee, Kathrine. “The Slim-Fast Plan.” EverydayHealth.com. Everyday Health, n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2015.

“Nutrition for Weight Loss: What You Need to Know About Fad Diets.” Nutrition for Weight Loss: What You Need to Know About Fad Diets. FamilyDoctor.org, n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2015.

“Weight Loss.” Low-carb Diet: Can It Help You Lose Weight? MayoClinic.org, n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2015.

“Weight Loss Programs & Benefits | Atkins.” Atkins. Atkins.com, n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2015.

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