
  • Born:  April 10, 1870 in Ulyanovska, Russia
  • Died:  January 21, 1924 in Moscow
  • Head of State
  • Political Leader
  • Creator of the Bolshevik Party

Vladimir was born as Vladamir Ulyanov and later changed his name to Lenin to avoid persecution.  As a young child, education was a very important part of his life.  Both of his parents were educated and cultured individuals that promoted learning in their home.  Lenin graduated at the top of his high school class in 1887.  Afterwards he entered Kazan University.

Shortly after entering school, his older brother Aleksandr was executed for being part of a group planning to execute Emperor Alexander III.  This drastically affected him and began his interest in anit-Ramanov leadership.  Lenin’s brother wasn’t the only member of his family to be involved in revolutionary acts.  In fact, all of his 5 siblings were involved at some point. While at Kazan, Lenin was pursuing and law degree, however, he was soon kicked out of school for being involved in a student demonstration (Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 2014).