Monday, October 17, 7:30 PM

Schrott Center for the Arts

“Lessons from the Dodo: Saving Species and Rebuilding Ecosystems in Mauritus”

Carl Jones w-eagle (640x492)

Conservation pioneer, leader and hero, Professor Carl Jones will stop at nothing to save species on the brink of extinction. Jones’ four decades of legendary work have directly revitalized multiple endangered animal populations and habitats, perhaps most famously, the Mauritius kestrel. With only four birds left on Earth, Jones’ innovative techniques not only changed the fate of those individuals, but ensured a thriving population now nearing 400. His lasting legacy and inspiring victories earned him the 2016 Indianapolis Prize.

In this presentation, Jones offers insights on restoring a number of species, including birds, reptiles and mammals, in addition to the ecosystems of Mauritius. He will highlight his journey to save the Rodrigues fruit bat, pink pigeon, echo parakeet and more from disappearing forever.  Discover his innovative approach to rebuilding Mauritian habitat using ecological replacements for extinct animals, and what it means for the future.

Jones’ vision, action and determination prove that saving a threatened species is possible.



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