Kaylin Beckwith’s Honors Thesis

During open hours, Butler University’s Annex building was filled with colorful works of art and spectators willing to appreciate it. Senior Kaylin Beckwith held her Honors Thesis Art Show on Friday October 25, 2013. She presented the first exhibition of honors thesis work in the Annex.





For her honors thesis, Kaylin investigated the role of art therapy in improving mood in grieving children. She hostessed a gallery exhibit of the art created by the children in her study. Which is AWESOME! The exhibit was held at Art Annex (at the bottom of the hill behind AV—previously the Jordan Academy of Dance) and incorporated a brief talk about her results she found through her time working with the kids of Brook’s Place.

DSCN0697Kaylin Beckwith presenting her work


“The benefits of art therapy have been largely documented in practice rather than in empirical research studies. Several studies in the past ten years have evaluated art’s therapeutic effects finding that art therapy is more beneficial than writing therapy (Pizarro, 2004) and that a positive focus in therapeutic art decreases stress levels (Dalebroux, Goldstein, and Winner, 2008; Curl, 2008). Only one study to date has examined art therapy with a clinical population. Lyshak-Stelzer and colleagues (2007) found that art can reduce the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. The present study was designed to evaluate the components of effective art therapy by comparing art to another psychomotor activity, puzzle, and social interaction on enhancing mood in grieving children.”


DSCN0705One of the young artist’s drawings was turned into a puzzle

The exhibit also included a silent auction of the art work, with all proceeds benefiting Brooke’s Place.


Her work can be seen at Art at the Annex until October 25, 2013.
