Open WorldCat
Want to find a book, but don’t know what libraries it’s in? Checked the Butler Library Catalog and couldn’t find that book or CD? Try OpenWorldCat.
WorldCat has been available to Butler students, faculty, and staff via the Library Website for quite a while. But now WorldCat is available to everyone via Just do a search like you normally would, type in your zip code, and they’ll show you libraries near you that own the item. “Books, videos, downloadable audiobooks… if it’s in a library near you, you can find it in WorldCat no matter where you are on
the Web.” You’ll even get links to the libraries’ websites and services like “Ask A Librarian.”
If you want to search Open WorldCat right from your browser, you can download one of their toolbars. You have the options of the WorldCat versions of the Yahoo Toolbar or Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer or a Firefox browser search extension. All of these include installation notes and “how to use” notes.