LibGuides Link Check – June 2008
Today I ran my semi-irregular link check of all our LibGuides. The result is a report which is basically a list of web pages and all the links on each page that don’t work for whatever reason. Please take some time to check your pages and see if any of your links are dead. Because of how LibGuides is organized, you will need to find your pages based on the “PID” (page ID) for each guide. To make a quick list of your PIDs, just open each of your Guides in turn and write down the PID that shows up in the URL for each one. Every tab within your Guide will have that same PID.
The report is in alphanumerical order, so you should be able to scroll down to each of your PIDs and check for dead links. If your PID is not listed, there are currently no broken links in that Guide.
- Links to IM programs that exist on your profile will show up as 404 File Not Found, but you may ignore them.
- Links that are 503 temporarily overloaded may also be ignored–what you’re interested in is links that are broken.
- “Forbidden request” links are probably okay as well.
- You may find an occasional image listed in your link report. If your images are displaying fine, you may ignore these.
- The page listed with just a PID and no SID is the main page of your Guide. The SIDs refer to the different tabs on your Guide.
- You may also choose to go through your LibGuide pages and manually check each link, if you find that easier.
The report is in html format and can be found on BUFiles under the Web & Multimedia folder.