
Subscribe via Subscribe 2

  • Activate the Subscribe2 Plugin (See the Plugins and Widgets page for instructions on installing plugins)
  • Go to Settings and then Subscribe2
  • Scroll down to appearance and then select the page you want as the default page for Subscribe2 (you may want to create a new page specifically for this purpose)
  • Enter [subscribe2] on the page (include the brackets)
  • Non-registered users will be able to enter an email address and click subscribe
  • Registered users will be given a link to a place where they can manage their own subscriptions
  • You can view what addresses are subscribing to your blog by going to Tools and then Subscribers

Notify Twitter Followers of new posts

  • This method updates your readers via Twitter.  It automatically creates a tweet when you create a new post.  You can either use your current Twitter account or create a new one dedicated to the blog and have your readers follow you there
  • Activate theWordTwit Plugin (See the Plugins and Widgets page for instructions on installing plugins)
  • Click on Settings in the left hand menu and then select WordTwit
  • Scroll down and select Sign-in using Twitter
  • Enter your Twitter username and password and then click on Authorize app
  • Complete any other options you want and then hit Update options at the bottom of the screen
  • Create and publish a new post, and your Twitter will automatically create a tweet with a link to the new post

Subscribe via Feedburner

  • Activate the Feedburner Feed Smith Plugin (See the Plugins and Widgets page for instructions on installing plugins)
  • Go to, which will redirect you to a Google page
  • Login with your google account (or create one if you do not already have one)
  • Enter your blog address – ex.
  • Select either your feed or comments feed
  • Click Next until you reach a page saying you have successfully updated your feed
  • Back in WordPress, go to Settings, Feedburner, and enter your Feedburner feed address
  • Select the Publicize tab and then click on the friendly graphic link
  • Copy the HTML code at the bottom of the screen into a text widget in your sidebar
  • To allow users to subscribe via email, go back to the Publicize page then click on Email Subscriptions
  • Copy the preview subscription link code and paste it into a text widget in your sidebar










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