Healthy Horizons Success Story

Did you miss our very first Healthy Horizons Success Story featuring David McCullough?

Director of University Bands David McCullough entered Healthy Horizons weight management program in April 2013 and has lost 35 pounds. McCullough says that advice and encouragement from Healthy Horizons staff helps keep him “on track” and has changed his thinking about food and exercise.

Here is his story, in his own words.

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Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Healthy Horizons is offering a MBSR here on campus this fall for interested Butler faculty and staff.

Course details:

  • 8 week course beginning the second week of September
  • 2.5 hour class once a week (Tuesdays 4:00- 6:30 PM starting September 9, 2014) + an all-day retreat the weekend of week six (October 19)
  • Experiential and didactic course including sitting meditation, body scan, and gentle hatha yoga.
  • Class size of 16-20 people
  • Course fee has been reduced to $250 for Butler faculty and staff for the 27 hour course
  • 25 CEUs are available for psychologists and social workers
  • Free informational orientation session will be offered prior to the course

If you would be interested in participating in this course, please email   At this time, you are simply just expressing interest in the program, you are not committing to attending.

What is Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction?

Many of us realize it is beneficial to be open to the exuberant potential of the present moment. We may have even read solid research lauding mindful attention to the present moment as a support for work-life balance, improved health, decreased burnout and increased well-being. But just how do we develop the humanly innate capacity for a mindful way of being amongst the flurry of life’s rigors of education, scholarship and busy personal lives? It is a practice.

There are growing data around the format of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) supporting the practice of mindfulness meditation. From an academic standpoint, this is expressed in terms such as “improving one’s attentional and emotional-regulation strategies”; experientially, it is cultivating the capacity to intentionally be present for all of life in compassion, connection, creativity and joy.

The class will be facilitated by Kathleen Beck-Coon, MD, trained to teach MBSR at the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, a global leader in mind-body medicine. Kathleen is involved in the integration of mindfulness meditation and other mindfulness-based approaches in healthcare through research, academic professional education, university employee wellness programs (Indiana University) and community mindfulness-based stress reduction classes. She is a member of the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education and the Society of Behavioral Medicine and continues to learn how mindfulness practice reduces suffering for us all.

Questions? Contact Healthy Horizons at or extension 8143.

Green BEAN Cooking Demonstration

Healthy Horizons is thrilled to partner with Green BEAN Delivery to offer a great service to employees at a discount. Green BEAN Delivery is a year-round delivery service that brings the best selection of local and organic produce and natural groceries right to your doorstep. Green BEAN Delivery is affordable, convenient, and a fun way for the whole family to eat healthy.

To learn more about how Green BEAN Delivery works, join us for a Lunch and Learn with a representative from Green BEAN.

Green BEAN Cooking Demonstration

Come learn how to prepare some familiar and not so familiar fresh produce from Green BEAN!  This cooking demonstration will show you how easy it is to experiment with new produce and the different options you have for customizing what shows up in your produce bin!

When:  Wednesday, June 25 from 11:30-12:30pm

Where:  PB 150

Registration is required.

*Attend both sessions and you’ll be eligible to win your first produce bin from Green BEAN!

Please register by contacting Healthy Horizons at or extension 8143.

green bean

A Tip From Pete the Planner: Financial Assistance from Parents Can Be Crippling

Financial Assistance from Parents can be Crippling

osherov-3995-2Any time you bring up family and money, it’s bound to get awkward. Whether you are a parent with grown children or an adult with very generous parents, it’s time to consider how gifts of money affect your finances. We’ll start with parents supporting adult children. Bankrolling your kids well past college is enabling them to make bad financial decisions. But even more importantly, it may be preventing, or pushing back, your retirement plans. It’s time to re-prioritize. Are you an adult child being supported, even in part, by your parents? It’s time to cut yourself off. Being an independent adult means solving your own financial problems. You may need to cut expenses, or get a second job, but that’s part of growing up. A true sign of financial wellness is making the responsible, and oftentimes, hard decision to not give or accept financial gifts to or from family members.

And, don’t forget, as faculty or staff of Butler University, you have FREE access to all of Pete the Planner’s financial resources from!

GC_PTPThis site is the comprehensive home to all of Pete the Planner’s financial wellness guides, videos, worksheets, calculators, and all other resources needed to make significant financial change.

In order to access the site, you will need to follow the steps below:

Step 1: Visit

Step 2: Look for the word “Register” at the top of the page and click it.

Step 3: Enter the following registration code: bulldogs

*Please note, this resource is for Butler faculty and staff only.*