Almond Pumpkin Pancakes

Thank you for this contribution from our own Claudia Johnson, Administrative Assistant.  Something warm and aromatically rich with spices may soothe and calm your harried day or night.

Pumpkin pancakes | Liliana Fuchs | Flickr

Dry ingredients:

  • 2 cups almond flour
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 2-3 packets Stevia (reg or vanilla)- alternately can use the liquid stevia in the wet ingredients
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp cloves
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg

Wet ingredients:

  • 1 can unsweetened pumpkin puree
  • 3 eggs slightly beaten
  • 3 Tbsp almond milk (unsweetened- I like the vanilla flavored)

In separate bowls

  • Mix dry ingredients well
  • Mix pumpkin and milk, then add eggs

Pour/ mix wet into dry ingredients completely

Mix dry ingredients well.

In second bowl, mix pumpkin and milk, then add eggs

Pour/ mix wet into dry ingredients completely

On preheated iron or non-stick skillet (medium/medium-low heat), drop 3 large spoonfuls of batter and spread/flatten each slightly to 4-5 inch rounds.

Let cook about 5 minutes before flipping. Pancakes may fall apart easily.  Just mash together and flip to continue cooking.  Remove when lightly browned on both sides, with centers firmed up. For a topping, add a little cinnamon and plain yogurt instead of syrup.  Sugar free syrups are also available.These pumpkin wonders can be frozen and quickly thawed for some measured snacking treasures.

  • Makes about 10-11 pancakes.

Tips for Support Through Tough Times

Taking care of yourself, your friends, and your family can help you cope with stress. Helping others cope with their stress can also make your community stronger.

Things you can do to support yourself

  • Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including social media. Hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can be upsetting.
  • Take care of your body. Take deep breaths, stretch, or meditate. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep, and avoid alcohol and drugs.
  • Make time to unwind. Try to do some other activities you enjoy.  Many city parks have trails that are greening up nicely.
  • Connect with others. Talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling.
  • You may want to simplify cell phone messaging via mass text use. This can reduce the  information overload while in emergency mode.  Families and groups of friends can select a “point person” for contact . This contact number could be a designated land line in case of cell phone service disruptions.
  • Have a hard copy of phone numbers (both cell and land-line) of loved ones, as well as emergency numbers.
  • Make sure your ICE (In Case of Emergency) contact is updated on your cell phone.

Self-Care During Crisis


Community Narcan Training


About this Event

The sessions will train lay responders (drug users, friends, and family members) on how to reduce overdose risks, recognize signs of an overdose, access medical services, and administer Narcan Nasal Spray; in addition to taking other action (e.g., rescue breathing and contacting emergency medical assistance).

After being trained, each participant will be eligible to receive an overdose prevention kit, which includes instructions and a needle-free nasal spray filled with Naloxone Hydrochloride. Participants will also receive a toolkit booklet with resources and referral information pertaining to substance use disorder treatment.

Training provided by: Marion County Public Health Department Substance Use Outreach Services

Date And Time

Tue, March 17, 2020

6:30 PM – 7:00 PM EDT


3549 Boulevard Place

Winter Squash Bake

Image result for acorn squash recipe


  • vegetable cooking spray
  • 1 acorn squash
  • 1 dash salt
  • 2 tablespoon margarine
  • 9 teaspoon brown sugar (3 Tablespoons)
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon ginger


1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

2. Coat the baking sheet with vegetable cooking spray.

3. Wash the squash. Cut it in half lengthwise. Remove the seeds. Cut the squash into 1/2 inch slices.

4. Place the squash on the baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt.

5. Melt the margarine on low heat in a small saucepan.

6. Add the brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger to the saucepan.

7. Spread the margarine mix on the squash.

8. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until tender.

Sepa más sobre cuándo y cómo lavarse las manos

Lavarse las manos es una de las mejores formas de protegerse y de proteger a su familia para que no se enfermen. Sepa cuándo y cómo se debe lavar las manos para mantenerse sano.

Lávese las manos a menudo para mantenerse sano

Usted puede ayudar a que tanto usted como sus seres queridos se mantengan sanos al lavarse las manos a menudo, especialmente durante los siguientes momentos claves en que tienen más probabilidades de contraer y propagar microbios:

  • Antes, durante y después de preparar alimentos
  • Antes de comer
  • Antes y después de cuidar a alguien en su casa que tenga vómitos o diarrea
  • Antes y después de tratar una cortadura o una herida
  • Después de ir al baño
  • Después de cambiar pañales o limpiar a un niño que haya ido al baño
  • Después de sonarse la nariz, toser o estornudar
  • Después de tocar a un animal, alimento para animales o excrementos de animales
  • Después de manipular alimentos o golosinas para mascotas
  • Después de tocar la basura
lavarse las manos debajo del grifo

Siga cinco pasos para lavarse las manos de la forma correcta

Lavarse las manos es fácil, y es una de las formas más eficaces de prevenir la propagación de microbios. Las manos limpias pueden detener la propagación de los microbios de una persona a otra y en toda la comunidad, desde sitios como su casa y lugar de trabajo hasta guarderías infantiles y hospitales.

Siga siempre estos cinco pasos:

  1. Mójese las manos con agua corriente limpia (tibia o fría), cierre el grifo y enjabónese las manos.
  2. Frótese las manos con el jabón hasta que haga espuma. Frótese la espuma por el dorso de las manos, entre los dedos y debajo de las uñas.
  3. Restriéguese las manos durante al menos 20 segundos. ¿Necesita algo para medir el tiempo? Tararee dos veces la canción de “Feliz cumpleaños” de principio a fin.
  4. Enjuáguese bien las manos con agua corriente limpia.
  5. Séqueselas con una toalla limpia o al aire.

National Kidney Month: Protecting Kidney Health

Thirty-three percent of adults in the United States are at risk for kidney disease. That’s 1 in 3 people.

Kidney disease is a major public health concern. Kidney disease often goes undetected until it is very advanced. Unfortunately, this is when someone would need dialysis or a transplant.

The key is to find kidney disease before the trouble starts. Regular testing for everyone is important, but it is especially important for people at risk.

Follow these 6 steps to learn more about kidney disease, your risk, and how to prevent it.

Step 1: Know These Facts

6 Things Healthy Kidneys Do:
  • Regulate the body’s fluid levels
  • Filter wastes and toxins from the blood
  • Release a hormone that regulates blood pressure
  • Activate vitamin D to maintain healthy bones
  • Release the hormone that directs production of red blood cells
  • Keep blood minerals in balance (sodium, phosphorus, potassium)
8 Problems Kidney Disease Can Cause:
  • Heart disease
  • Heart attack and stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • Put your life at risk
  • Weak bones
  • Nerve damage (neuropathy)
  • Kidney failure (end-stage kidney disease, or ESRD)
  • Anemia or low red blood cell count

Step 2: Assess Your Risk

5 Main Risk Factors:
  • Diabetes (you or your family)
  • High blood pressure (you or your family)
  • Heart disease (you or your family
  • Family history of kidney failure, diabetes, or high blood pressure
  • Obesity

For additional information on worrisome symptoms and next steps:

Fueling up for After-school Sports

kids playing soccer - 15 Fueling Snacks to Take to Your Child

When your little league baseball player or soccer star says, “Your turn to bring snacks,” stress can inadvertently be added to your already hectic day. But, it doesn’t have to when your snack game plan provides nourishing, tasty choices for the hungry kids.

Providing snacks that fuel up, not bog down, rising athletes is a chance to teach kids the proper way to get energy for sports while, at the same time, showing them how much you care. So, instead of reaching for candy or heading to the drive-thru, stop to consider the reasons for snacking and try these suggestions.Snacks serve several purposes for active kids, including:

  • Providing energy (calories) to help working muscles power through activity.
  • Supplying fluids for hydration and to keep the body cool.
  • Providing nutrients for growth and development.
  • Promoting recovery after hard exercise.

In addition, snacks should be easily digested so blood flows to the muscles during exercise and not to the gut in order to digest a heavy, greasy snack.

Depending on the time of the game, different snacks meet different needs. Here is a guide to choosing snacks based on game day and time.

After School Games

Many kids have early lunch periods during school, so they might start the game hungry. A good after-school snack provides quality carbohydrates and protein for quick energy and a satisfied tummy. Consider packing your cooler with these nourishing options:

  • 6-ounce cartons of a variety of fruited yogurt or yogurt in a tube
  • Peanut butter or almond butter sandwiches with natural fruit jam
  • Turkey and/or cheese wraps cut into 1-inch slices for easy finger food
  • Low-fat string cheese and mini pretzels
  • Bottles of cold water or pitchers of cold water with lemon (cold water helps lower body temperature in active athletes)

Weekend Morning Games

Muscle fuel can be very low after an overnight fast. Therefore, if you are rushing out the door to make it to a morning game, consider serving breakfast foods that kids love:

  • A mini cinnamon-raisin bagel with flavored cream cheese
  • English muffin sandwich with a slice of lean ham and/or reduced-fat cheese
  • Greek yogurt with a variety of toppings (homemade granola, chopped almonds or walnuts, dried fruit)
  • Fruit and yogurt smoothies
  • Cartons of low-fat milk with baggies full of cereal
  • 100-percent fruit juice boxes

After the Game

Post-game snacks should help to replace muscle fuel lost in exercise and replenish fluids without ruining kids’ appetite for the next meal. Consider:

  • Air-popped popcorn sprinkled with Parmesan cheese
  • Low-fat plain milk
  • Banana, orange slices or apple slices (dipped in orange juice to prevent browning)
  • Whole-grain granola bars

Providing snacks is a part of every parent’s job, so choose wisely and help your child succeed on the field, in the classroom and life.