Interested in getting involved in Hillel next year? Run for a position on our board! It looks really good on your resume, too! Elections will be held at our regular meeting time (7:30) on Monday, November 12. If you have any questions about the positions, email or any of the board members (see the Contact Us page for current board members). If you would like to run, email your name and which position you would like to run for to


The positions:

  • President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • VP of Social Programming
  • VP of Communications/Public Relations
  • VP of Religious and Cultural Activities
  • VP of Membership
  • VP of Social Action


There shall be a President who will be the chief student coordinator of the activities of the organization, assisting the Vice Presidents when called upon to do so. The President shall be ultimately responsible for public relations and will maintain the organization and efficiency of executive committee and group meetings. Along with the Vice Presidents she/he will be responsible for setting the meeting agenda. The President will be responsible for upholding accountability in the event that another officer or officers of the Executive Committee have neglected his or her duties. Additionally, the President will be in charge of delegating roles not specified by the constitution in a fair manner.

If you have any questions, contact our current president, Michael Gorin, at


There shall be a Treasurer who will oversee the collection and disbursement of all organizational funds, and who will maintain the books of the organization. All organizational funds are to be held in an account established for the Organization through the Treasurer of Butler University. The Treasurer, with the guidance of the Executive Committee will create an annual budget that reflects the priorities of Hillel and shall advise the Executive Committee in the use of funds. The Treasurer is to report on the financial health of Hillel at every meeting. He/she shall assist the President when asked to do so.

If you have any questions, contact our current treasurer, Greg Zemtsov, at


There shall be a Secretary who will record the proceedings of all business meetings. The Secretary shall also be responsible for maintaining the official membership list. The Secretary will send out regular emails and updates to students. He/she shall assist the President when asked to do so.

If you have any questions, contact our current secretary, Lea Levy, at


VP of Social Programming

There shall be a Social Programming Vice President who will organize and execute social activities in a Jewish context that will serve to help build community within Hillel at Butler University. He/she shall work closely with VP of Religious and Cultural activities in planning events, insuring that all social programs include a religious or cultural component. He/she shall engage others in this work and will assist the President when asked to do so.

If you have any questions, contact our current VPs of Social Programming, Mallory Russikoff or Stephanie Dlatt, at or, respectively.


VP of Communications/ Public Relations

There shall be a Communications/ Public Relations Vice President who will be responsible for managing social networking technology and maintaining the Butler Hillel website, writing and disseminating parent and alumni newsletters, preparing and submitting advertising whether on or off campus, and writing and sending press releases to local synagogues and organizations. He/she shall engage others in this work and will assist the President when asked to do so.

If you have any questions, contact our current VP of Communications/PR, Brianna Nielsen, at

VP of Religious and Cultural Activities

There shall be a Religious and Cultural Activities Vice President who will be responsible for fostering Jewish religious and spiritual life on campus through worship, activities and education and by adding depth to existing programming. He/she shall also serve as a liaison to local congregations and Jewish organizations in order to forge connections with the local Jewish community. He/she shall engage others in this pursuit and will assist the President when asked to do so.

If you have any questions, contact our current VP of Religious and Cultural Activities, Daniel Makutonin, at


VP of Membership

There shall be a Membership Vice President who will be responsible for initiating and maintaining communications and relationships with prospective and current Hillel members. He/she shall work with Students to identify individuals and audiences not yet affiliated with Hillel and will design a variety of activities in an effort to engage as many of these students as possible. Vice President of Membership will be responsible for coordinating and staffing start of school recruiting events, such as Block Party and Resource Tent. He/she shall engage others in this pursuit and will assist the President when asked to do so.

If you have any questions, contact our current VP of Membership, Julia Levine, at


VP of Social Action

There shall be a Vice President of Social Action who will be responsible for planning and implementing campaigns and events relevant to social justice awareness. These projects shall address current injustices and will bring awareness to Hillel students and to the Butler campus of these particular needs in our world. He/she shall engage others in this pursuit and will assist the President when asked to do so.

If you have any questions, contact our current VP of Social Action, Rachel Polkow, at


 REACH Representative

There shall be an R.E.A.C.H. (Reaffirming Ethnic Awareness and Community Harmony) delegate who represents Hillel and is involved with making decisions about programs and campaigns sponsored by R.E.A.C.H.


Student Government Association (SGA) Representative

There shall be a SGA delegate who shall attend weekly SGA meetings, representing Hillel interests in campus affairs and reporting back to the Hillel Board.

If you have any questions, contact our current SGA Rep, Ashley Garrett, at