4. Windows Recorder on a USB Driver

InformationThis feature allows you to run the Panopto Windows Recorder from a USB drive.


This means that you do not have to install the Recorder to create a recording. This is useful for customers that have the scenario of guest presenters that do not want to install the Recorder or if you ever want to run the Recorder but may not have permission on that machine to install software.

Panopto only supports USB/eSATA external hard drives. Using USB Flash drives may work but due to inconsistent results in testing, they are not recommended. 

To use this feature, login with an account that has creator rights and click the “Download Recorder” link on your Panopto site. You will see an option to download the “Panopto Recorder Live-On-USB Package”.



Right click on PanoptoRecorderNoInstallation.zip and select “Extract All”



Choose your USB/eSATA hard drive (E:\PanoptoRecorderNoInstallation in this example)



Run Recorder.exe



Enter the Panopto server URL (no http://)  – click Apply and log in.