04. Social Features

InformationThe features described in this article require Panopto 4.3 or newer.


Panopto 4.3 introduced new Social Features that are compatible with all of your available recordings. These new features include ratings, bookmarks, and comments.



After logging in to your Panopto site and looking at available sessions, you will see a new tab entitled “Rating.” The Rating option is visible in both the Thumbnail and List view options.

By default, new sessions will not have an associated rating.

Thumbnail view shown below:

List View shown below:

To rate a session, first you need to select and view a desired recording. On the viewing screen, look at the top information bar for the rating gauge.

Click your desired rating on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. This will tally your choice with the other ratings. Please note that you can hover your mouse cursor over the stars to see the current overall rating.

If you return to your sessions view, you can see the new average rating,  By hovering over the rating you will be able to see the amount of ratings as well.

Also, please note that you can sort your session view by rating.


You can bookmark specific times in a recording that you want to return to. Upon logging in, you will see a tab on the left side for marked content.

To start, click on a session you’d like to bookmark. This will take you to the normal viewing layout.

Underneath the primary video/audio, you will now notice a link that says Bookmarks. Click on the button to begin.

Once you click the bookmark button you will be prompted to label your bookmark at the time of entry as seen below. Enter a note in the text box, and hit enter. This will save your bookmark.

Note that our bookmark correlates to the current playback time. Clicking on the “1:19” area as seen above will move the session playback to this time. Now, click on “See all my bookmarks”

You will now see that your session will show up in the “Bookmarked” area of the Webui.

Click on one of the bookmarks you created. This will launch the session as normal, and resume playback at the allotted time. You can remove a bookmark by clicking the X in the viewing tab as seen below.

As a final note, you can send these marked viewing URL’s to other viewers. Just copy and paste the URL generated by your bookmark link.


Comments add the option to leave feedback or general commentary that is publicly viewable. To start, choose a session you’d like to comment on. Navigate over to the comments tab on the left hand side of the viewer.. Note that you may have to use the highlighted arrows to navigate the metadata area to reach “Comments.”

Like other content, simply type into the field below and hit enter.

You will see the timestamp of when the comment was made, along with the associated username.

Remember, these comments are public and can be seen by anyone that can view the session normally

**Important note: submitting a comment is only available to logged in users**