
Confucius grew up in China when it was split into states and constantly fighting. This is what probably inspired Confucius’ teaching. He is trying to figure out how to view and understand the world in his 20s, which in my opinion is a time where people discover who they are. College students, like myself, are trying to figure out what we value, believe, and what we want out of life. I think it was only natural for Confucius to be curious. Confucius thought at the time that society was corrupt and that it needed to be restored (by rituals). It was the foundation of Chinese custom and presentation. He taught curtsey and etiquette. In my opinion, I think he was trying to promote respect. “Before you can respect the dead, you need to respect the living,” is a quote I heard in the BBC documentary on Confucius. He wanted society to be sincere and wanted people to love others. He saw the values taught in family: loyalty, honestly, and love. He thought family should show correct authority and obedience. He thought rulers should take the values taught in family and use that ideology when they ruled. What do all of you value?

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