Cultural Differences Surrounding Marriage (November 19 Class)

I always knew that there were many cultural differences between America and other places when it came to marriage. We even saw it in the China unit when we learned about arranged marriages and how the women oftentimes have no say in who they end up marrying. These types of differences were also seen many …

Checking my own Misconceptions

While watching the documentary “Not Without My Veil; Amongst the Women of Oman” I realized that I have a lot of my own preconceptions about women in the Middle East that practice Islam. Although my preconceptions have changed greatly throughout a project that I did last year about women in the Middle East and in …

Cultural Diversity Drum, Song and Dance Interactive Village

On Sunday, November 17, I was able to attend the Diversity Drum, Song, and Dance Interactive Village performance. This program was sponsored by Butler University Center or Citizenship and Community. I really enjoyed attending this event because I enjoyed hearing the different drums and rhythms that were being played and learning about some of the …

The Hajj: Connections from service and Class

While at a service banquet I attended for my service at Nur-Allah, I met a family that consisted of the parents and four grown daughters. The parents of the family were given an award for pioneers of the year, and within their award acceptance, they spoke about the Hajj. They were introducing their daughters, and …