Chinese Concentration Camps

Something that I have seen in the news and all over my various social media feeds has been the concentration camps in China. Located in the Xinjang region, these “re-education” camps are aimed solely at Uighurs and are aimed at “stripping Uighurs of their identity and [indoctrinating] them into being secular and loyal party supporters” …

Censorship in China: Patriot Act

As I was scrolling through Netflix looking for something to watch, I stumbled upon the show “Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj.” This show is very reminiscent of “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” or “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah.” I decided to take a look at the episodes to see if there was anything …

Government in the Tao Te Ching

When reading the poems from the Tao Te Ching, I thought it was especially interesting that that poems 57-60 focused on government since that was a new theme for the poems, and one fairly distant from the other themes discussed in the poems. I thought the ways that the poems shaped the ‘ideal government’ was …