Why Chinese nationals want their children to be born in America

As I was reading some news about China, I came across an interesting article from BBC News. This article talked about a Chinese woman who is pleading guilting here in the United States on federal charges of a “birth tourism” scheme where Chinese nationals would pay to come to the States and have their children, allowing their children to be born American citizens. Dongyuan Li, owner of You Win USA Vacation Services, would be paid by Chinese Nationals, such as government officials, to coach them on coming to the United States to have their baby. This included flying from China into Hawaii because there was a belief that it was easier to get through US customs in Hawaii, then they would fly to Los Angeles and would be housed in apartments. Along with guiding the Chinese nationals into the United States, Li helped them go through the US consulate in China by telling them that they were going to the United States for two weeks instead of their intended couple of months to give birth.  This got me wondering about why a Chinese national would want their child to be born as an American citizen so badly that they would pay someone to help them sneak into the States and lie to the Consulate. I found another article that helped answer this question. This article states that “more than a third of rich Chinese surveyed ‘are currently considering’ emigrating to another country”. Many people in China are seeking a better education system, a country with less polluted cities and less strict government. The United States is the most popular destination for those who are interested in leaving China (for the fourth year in a row), with the U.K. as second, and Ireland and Canada after. The United States is the most popular due to our education system along with our visa-free travel, ease of adaptability and President Trump’s tax cuts. Learning all this information was very interesting to me because I would never had guessed that government officials in China would want their children to be born in the United States. I would have better understood if the people who wanted their children born in the US were lower class, but the fact that those in the government wanted their children born in the US is surprising to me. 

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