The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

Are we humans naturally good? Or are we good because we fear punishment if we step out of line? Legalism v Daoism poses a classical ideological debate that still goes unanswered today. Daoism would lead us to believe that all humans are naturally good, that our life is natural and that our actions have responses …

Tao Te Ching Part 2 (Sept. 19 Class)

In the second half of Tao Te Ching, number 68 really stood out to me. It talks about how it is never good to be aggressive or have a bad temper. I think this is super important, because in real life, such negativity doesn’t get you anywhere. It is important to be patient and understanding …

BBC Documentary-Genius of the Ancient World

The film was not only interesting but gave me a better understanding of Confucius’s life, and those who lead him towards the ideas that are incorporated today in China’s culture. Those who he spoke with early on were people of “Daoism,” which enlighten him on the way and that “man should not interfere with the …

Tao Te Ching Pt. 2 (Focusing on Te)

After class discussions, about the reading Tao Te Ching, made me really want to read up on possibly some hidden meanings/messages I did not catch from reading it. In class, the topic of “Te is the way” was mentioned, and how Chinese’s culture has followed this path for nearly 2,400 years. The ‘way’ being a feeling/motive …

Protests in Hong Kong

I recently have been researching and reading about the current protests and issues in Hong Kong. I stumbled upon an article about events that have been cancelled due to the uncertain circumstances of the country. The article talked about multiple events that have been cancelled in Hong Kong. These events include; A tennis tournament, concerts, …

Current International news involving the United States and China.

While researching and writing a current events paper for one of my other courses, I stumbled upon this article. This article is an interesting read about the United States (USPS) leaving the Universal Postal Union. There are a couple of reasons for why the USPS wants to leave the Union that has over 192 …