Readings and Video for class 10/1/19

For today’s readings and video that we were assigned, I found a common theme: the dislike/mistreatment of women. In both the stories of “Bridegroom” and “Broken” along with the documentary, there were several comments made about women including saying things about their appearance, sexuality, and their basic self-worth. During the documentary, a woman talked about how all girls were good for was taking food and that they were not real children because they were going to be married off into a different family, but boys were good because they were going to stay around. During the story of “Broken”, the female in the story was incredibly mistreated after her affair, even though the male that she slept with was the one that was the one that was an adulterer. And lastly, the daughter in “Bridegroom” was called names by her own adoptive father. I feel as if it is a very common theme that is showing throughout some of the material that women are looked down upon and are treated much worse compared to the men in the material. I have known about the one-child policy where girls that were born were often times abandonedĀ or even killed becauseĀ it was a girl. I had no idea about how deeply embedded it was in the culture.

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