End of China Unit Blog

Overall, when I first signed up for this course I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy the topic but decided to take it anyways (try new things/subjects). To my surprise, I have really enjoyed learning about the culture in China and various topics we covered in class. This course has made me realize how much I like learning about other cultures and making connections to mine. From going to the Chinese lunch and religion matters dinner, I really enjoyed talking with some faculty and other students about religion all over the world as well just conversing in conversation (very good and welcoming environment at the blue house). I tend to be a picky eater but have to admit the food at both events was pretty good. The discussions from the readings: GHS, Ha jin, and Craig, the fictional short stories seemed outrageous and unbelievable but when you do some research sometimes find it actually does happen in the world.

For example, connecting “When Cowboy Chicken came to town,” to Chinese buffets seen all around the world and how the similar structure in the story has happened to some restaurants here.

“Tiger-Fight,” this story I was sure enough could not possibly be similar to anything that has happened in real life but we all have seen the MGM lion roar before movies? Yes, real lion. Here’s an article if you want to read about the behind the scene making of the roar. 🙂

Moreover, from learning about Daodejing and Confucianism how it is still used in China’s society today/seen in the culture, government, lifestyles (household relationships/duties), and in religion. How all the topics all the way back from 300 B.C to present day, we still see these traditions and rituals practiced. I’ve enjoyed learning and discussing on all these matters. I feel more closely connected to China’s culture than I did prior to this course and to be able to discuss some topics seen here with them.

Ending the unit with modern age topics seen today: women and equality, authority, and further individual traditions for genders. In relation to the short story “Woman from New York“, how it was unlikely seen that a woman had a lot of money and for her to even leave her native home. The story gives a good perspective on many people judge and pursue someones life and choices. Many suspected the woman who had money in the story didn’t obtain the money in a popular many (such as from a working in a company). Many spread rumors how she possibly got money from being a gold digger or acts of adultery for money. Some even spread rumors how she didn’t have money and she was poor. Rumors can go a long way and it is hard to believe what is true and what is not. This made me think about the movie “Easy A.” In the film, the main character was talking with her friend in the bathroom at high school about her weekend, and she decided to tell her friend a little lie, so she would shut up basically.  This little lie was overheard and spread all around the high school and was even twisted around has it went from person to person. Everyone then believed these rumors and viewed/treated her differently, all because of a little lie that turned into many rumors. Moral of the story is to tell the truth, as well as, not spread rumors.

Ending the unit with the short story of “Bad Joke,” how two men just said a joke about a higher authority in an empire was spread all around and the men were then arrested for it. This story was very outrageous all because of a little “joke.” From research mentioned in another blog of mine about China, this is in fact true that you can receive some prison time or even executed from “joking” about any political individual or matter.

All these readings not only were enjoyable but they always made me research if some of these events happen in real life in China, as well as, see if they happen in the United States. In conclusion, this unit was very informative on learning about another culture, trying some food or traditions, and comparing it to the culture we live in today. These past few weeks have made me think back on my life and childhood to see if any of the relationship events with family, work, or other people in my life can relate to those in the short stories. In addition, to be able to just educate myself on more religions and traditions in a culture other than mine. Very good unit overall, look forward to the next one!


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