Changes In the Qur’an

While watching the documentary “Not Without My Veil: Amongst the women of Oman” there was the segment that was an excerpt from the Qur’an about marriage, in which Muahammed stated to have multiple wives. Then, later in the documentary, it said that Muhammed refuted what he said about having multiple wives and said that men should only have one wife because he would not be able to treat all of the wives the same. Although it makes sense on maybe why Muhammed changed what he thought about marriage and how many wives one should have, I was wondering if this has caused some people who follow Islam to follow what Muhammed first said, and have multiple wives; or if they follow what he stated later about only having one wife. So, I did some research to see if polygamy is practiced in Islam because I seem to remember learning once that it was. I then found this website that explained the practice of polygamy in Islam more in-depth. This website explained that some Muslims have multiple wives, but the Qur’an has rules for how polygamy is done in Islam. The Qur’an says that men can have up to four wives but must be able to provide food, water, shelter, and a good life to each wife. If a man can not provide those things to all of his wives, he can not have that many. In the documentary, it made it seem like Muhammed said that nobody could practice polygamy, but that is not the case and I found that quite interesting.

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