Current Events in Iran

I think following current events is a crucial aspect of understanding the world and being aware of what is going on to different people from all over the world. Recently, Iran, a state that is majority Muslim has had massive protests. These protests began in protest of the government raising the price of gasoline and cutting subsidies of gasoline. Protests erupted in over one hundred cities, and there have been around forty deaths due to the militias retaliating against the protests. The government has also shut down the internet, leading to a lack of communication between the people of Iran and the outside world. On top of the people protesting the government raising the prices of gasoline, prices of food have gone up, and there are large amounts of corruption in the government. These protests have gained large amounts of traction within Iran and it may lead to a change in regime. I will continue to follow this story, and if you are interested in current events in the world this is a story to watch. I found all of this information here:

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