Hong Kong Update

If you haven’t seen it yet in the news, the tensions are rising in Hong Kong. These battles between the police and protesters has been going on for quite some time, but have just gotten even more violent and aggressive. Students and protesters have basically locked themselves into a campus as their home base, they have been in there for over 24 hours while the police have been trying to break in. Students have been using gas bombs and bow and arrows to keep the police away. As the battle goes on longer the police have gotten less patient and they have been threatening to use live rounds. The police are saying that the only option for the protesters is to surrender, the police are trying to keep the people inside the school. Some of the students tried to escape but the police shot them with rubber bullets!

People are being urged to leave the campus and surrender, but as some of the students have tried to do so they were just shot at more. Some of the kids inside were able to escape by climbing out of the building, but not everyone can do that! This has to be a tough situation for people in the area, the people on the inside do not want to surrender because they are standing up for what is right!

This conflict has been going on for a very long time and things seem to only be getting worse. Reading about things like this make me think about all of the things that we have here in the U.S. and take for granted. The root issue of this conflict is voting. There are supposed to be elections coming up, but there has been talk about possibly moving it back, but they are unsure if that would help the situation or make it worse.

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