Beijing’s “Atrocious Actions” Ignored by International Court

Prosecutors at the International Criminal Court (ICC) just recently deemed China free of allegations made by the Philippines over China’s “atrocious actions” in the South China Sea. The court ruled that the ICC itself had no jurisdiction over the matter since Beijing is not a party to the Rome Statute (treaty that forms the international tribune). The ICC also stated that the crimes occurred within the Philippines exclusive economic zone/continental shelf, which is not considered part of their territory. The exact quote reads as “Criminal conduct which takes place in the EEZ and continental shelf is thus in principle outside of the territory of a coastal state and as such, is not encompassed under the Rome Statute.”

Accusations the Philippines made against President Xi Jinping and China included: excluding Philippine nationals from utilizing resources in the South China Sea, blocking filipino fisherman’s access to certain traditional fishing grounds, and most important of all the illegal reclamation of and artificial island building which has been ongoing in the Spratly Islands. Island building is detrimental to the local environment, shifting the natural fish species away and shaping new unnatural landscapes which are not conducive to preserving fish populating.

China has failed to recognize previous court rulings over their artificial island building. With Chinese nationals deeming the courts decision not applicable due to their view of the area as their own. I believe that harmful environmental practices like island building should be outlawed, and that countries such as China should be punished. Other nations need to come to the support of the Philippines, and not just the US. China will never listen to neighboring countries like the Philippines unless they have a multitude of backers which fight for international environmental preservation.



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