Hong Kong

As protests grow in Hong Kong it is becoming harder and harder for China and media outlets to hide the clear anti-communism and pro-democracy battle lines being drawn in China currently. This is this generations Tienanmen square, or it will be shortly, and I worry to some extent this may be the catalyst for U.S. involvement militarily. I am personally anti-war and discourage any involvement in foreign entanglements however, I also am an avid fan of the Balkanization of China. There are resources and investment opportunities throughout many regions of China that are currently blocked off for growth by the Chinese government. the CCP restricts business investment to their eastern coastline and rural and outlying regions who face human rights violations daily receive little support from China, the west or even other nations regionally. The Hong Kong protests if successful could spark other regions like Tibet and Xinjiang to also push for independence. Hong Kong is also extremely public which means China needs to tread carefully. it is a very interesting situation that we all should be watching as it unfolds.

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