Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (Rojava)

I am always on the lookout for Libertarian movements around the world, as I find the people who believe in the decentralization of power and having a government that is purposely handcuffed is a direct ideological challenge to the general world view of the importance of governments. When doing a scan for Libertarian movements in …

My Dislike for Religion

I actually really like religion, having a belief in something greater, a guidebook for life and having an established moral compass that generally adheres to the culture in which you are born (generally). Religion helps nations establish laws, determine what is good or evil and to some extent helps better design a nation if founded …

Where is it?

In the readings and the class discussion we touched upon the difficulty of identifying the orĀ  distinguishing what is considered the Islamic Middle East. There are many factors that seem to make this difficult, historical context, cultural context, and political context. When looking at the historical view of what the Islamic Middle East is I …

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

Are we humans naturally good? Or are we good because we fear punishment if we step out of line? Legalism v Daoism poses a classical ideological debate that still goes unanswered today. Daoism would lead us to believe that all humans are naturally good, that our life is natural and that our actions have responses …