This great article by USA Today focuses on blended learning in Indianapolis charter schools. Dr. Furuness and Dr. Esteves contributed their thoughts and experience with blended learning or the “flipped classroom”- it’s a great read and a good conversation…
Two New Faculty Join the COE This Fall
The COE is so excited to have some new faces around our halls this fall! We have been lucky to snag two wonderful new faculty members to join our programs and continue moving the College of Education forward with their…
Transforming Education- April 2013
Are YOU Daring Greatly? Dear Friends, My column this month comes from inspiration and insight from Brené Brown’s latest book, Daring Greatly. If you have not watched her TED TALKS, I would highly recommend them along with her latest book,…
Alumni Zach Zimmer is a Finalist for Hilton HHonors Teacher Treks Travel Grant!
COE Alumni Zachary Zimmer, ’08, is one of 30 finalists for the Hilton HHonors Teacher Treks Travel Grants! Zach is a middle school social studies teacher at Westfield Middle School. Zach is hoping to win the travel grant and use…
Four COE Students Win Indiana Outstanding Future Educator Award!
Congratulations to Amy Gaisser, Jill Wheelock, Sarah Martin, and Samantha Prachar for being awarded the Indiana Outstanding Future Educator award by Indiana Association of Colleges of Teacher Education! We are so proud of the great work you have already started…