Saving Documents on Library Computers

By , December 1, 2006 10:06 am

When working on documents on library lab computers, whether MS Word, PowerPoint, or anything else, the best place to save those documents is on your H: drive, which is typically mapped to BU Files. That’s your own personal space on the network and is accessible from anywhere on campus.

Do NOT save your documents on “My Documents” on the C: drive of the local computer. Those files will automatically be deleted every time the computer is rebooted.

Rebooting the computers is necessary to “clean them up” and delete the large numbers of profiles, which are created every time anyone logs on. This is normally done about once a week, but at this busy time of year, so many people are using the library computers that it’s necessary to reboot them all a couple times a week to ensure smooth operations for everyone.

So please do not save any important files on the local C: drive on lab computers. The libraries cannot be responsible for them and they WILL be deleted.

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