As part of our project, we continue to gather data both from the pilot project as well as larger campus surveys. Below you will find the results of these surveys as they become available.
Fall 2011
Butler Moodle Pilot Fall 2011 Student Satisfaction Survey – We’re piloting Moodle for the entire 2011-12 academic year. We have approximately 40 instructors and 1050 users plugged into the second semester pilot (we had 8 instructors and 160 users first semester). Our initial data indicates students feel Moodle is straight forward and intuitive (83%), easy to navigate (77%), and enables them to easily complete class assignments (84%).
Spring 2012
LMS Requirements Summary2012 – We polled various stakeholders on what their requirements are for a learning management system. Our data collected found that the essential requirements were: the ability to create and download course backups, run grade and question analysis reports, create and organize content into folders, assess with secure quizzes/tests, add and grade items in the grade book quickly with an easy to use interface, communicate via email with the students and have the ability to post documents, links and other resources.
Student Moodle Mid-Point Assessment 2012 – 97% of students polled that were involved with the Moodle pilot indicated that they had used Blackboard before and of all 81 students that were polled nearly 62% preferred Blackboard over other LMSs they had previously used or are currently using. Of the 81 students polled, 89% indicated that this was there first time using Moodle with 63% not receiving any sort orientation into Moodle. And of all students that were polled, it was an even 50% split indicating that the implementation of Moodle has been effective thus far.
Student Blackboard Satisfaction Survey 2012– 78.7% satisfaction rate
30.5% Very Satisfied, 48.2% Satisfied, 17% Neutral
27.8% Dissatisfied, 11.1% Very Dissatisfied
Student Moodle Satisfaction Survey 2012 – 72.4% satisfaction rate
10.6% Very Satisfied, 27.3% Satisfied, 34.5% Neutral,
14.7% Dissatisfied, 13% Very Dissatisfied
Faculty/Staff Blackboard Satisfaction Survey 2012 – 61.1% satisfaction rate
11.1% Very Satisfied, 35.2% Satisfied, 14.8% Neutral
27.8% Dissatisfied, 11.1% Very Dissatisfied
Faculty/Staff Moodle Satisfaction Survey 2012 -80.9% satisfaction rate
33.3% Very Satisfied, 33.3% Satisfied, 14.3% Neutral,
19% Dissatisfied, 0% Very Dissatisfied