4. Composer Mode

Launching the Editor in Composer Mode allows for multiple video/presentations files to be compiled and uploaded to Panopto.

How to Launch the Editor in Composer Mode:

Click All Folders and choose the Folder where the session will be created

Click Create once you have selected your folder

In the dropdown menu after hitting Create, choose the Build a session option as shown below

Choose a name for your session and a description should you choose to add one, then click Create!

The editor will now in composer mode

To add a video file(s) as a primary source, drag them into this window (this will include any audio present in the file)

To add a video file(s) or PowerPoint (ppt/pptx only) as a secondary source, drag them into this window: (this will mute any audio present in the file)

Wait for everything to upload and then process

To add the above slides into the presentation, click on the slides tab – then expand the PowerPoint presentation

Hover the mouse over the slide and click Add

Click the location on the timeline where you wish to add the slide

Changes can be made to the slide or you can just click OK

The recently added slided should be present in the timeline. Repeat this process for all slides that you wish to add.

Click Save to save your progress.  The save time will appear next to the save option.
