1. Creating Assignments

InformationThe assignment activity allows you to collect and grade work from students online. Students can submit any file to an assignment (e.g. Word documents, spreadsheets, images, audio files, video files, etc.).

  1. From your course’s main page, click the Turn Editing On button in the upper-right.
  2. With editing turned on, click Add an Activity or Resource in the section where you want to add the assignment.
  3. From the menu that appears, click the Radio Button next to Assignment and click the Add button at the bottom of the menu.
  4. Enter an Assignment name and a Description. The assignment name is how the assignment will be displayed on the course page, in the gradebook, etc. The description is what the students will see before they submit a paper, and is useful for providing prompts or instructions.
  5. If you want to attach files directly to an assignment (e.g. reference materials, a writing prompt, a written rubric, example papers, etc.), you can drag and drop a file into the Additional files area.
  6. In the Availability section, you can specify dates for the assignment.
    Allow submissions from lets you specify when the assignment will start taking student submissions.
    Due date lets you specify the date past which submissions will be marked late.
    Cut-off date lets you specify the date past which submissions will no longer be accepted at all.
    Ensure that the Enable checkbox is checked for any date you want to use.
  7. Click the Grade section to expand it. Set the Grade drop-down to the number of points you want this assignment to be worth and specify which Grade category it will go in (if any).
  8. Click the Save and return to course button when done.

TelevisionClick here to watch a video tutorial on this subject provided by Atomic Learning. Be sure to log in to Atomic Learning before attempting to view this tutorial.