Tag Archives: configure

3. Configuring the Mac Recorder



Mac Recorder Configuration

Additional Settings


After logging into the Mac Recorder using your Butler credentials click Create New Recording

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5.  By default Panopto for Mac is set to record to the default folder set by your administrator. Once you successfully record to a folder, Panopto will set that as your default folder the next time you log in. If you would like to change the folder to record to, click on the up/down arrows to select a folder.  Or create a folder by clicking on the “+” sign. Additionally, you can record content offline and upload to the server at a later time.

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To start recording please continue to Mac Basic Recording

Additional Settings

1. In the menu bar, click on Panopto, Preferences

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2.  These settings can be customized to your preference.

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Upload recordings automatically: upon the completion of the recording the files will be uploaded to the server.

Primary quality video:  this setting will adjust the quality of the primary video

Secondary quality video:  this setting will adjust the quality of the secondary video

Recording Folder:  this setting allows you to set the folder where your session files will be stored.

Enable Recording Hotkeys:  this setting will allow you to use the hotkeys within Panopto for Mac.