Lesson 1
Context: This is the first of many lessons regarding photosynthesis. The students will be completing a lab report detailing the results of their experimentation as the culminating activity for this unit (Summative Assessment). This first lesson introduces the basics of the process of photosynthesis by beginning to identify key vocabulary. In addition, this lesson introduces writing a lab report through a jigsaw activity to create a collective classroom procedure for producing this report. Continue reading 'Planning Instruction for ELL/ESL Students'»
All Posts, ED 498: Methods for Teaching Multilingual Learners, Lesson Plans, Range of Reading (9-10), Standard #3: Learning Environments., Standard #5: Innovative Applications of Content., Standard #7: Planning for Instruction., Standard #8: Instructional Strategies., Standard 1: Content, Standard 5: General Skills of Teaching, Standard 6: Curriculum
This is resource file is a collection of developmental materials for first year middle and secondary education teachers built to assist them in shaping their instruction and curricular practice during their first years as professionals. In the first years teaching, it is critical for young teachers to build a sense of personal efficacy in the classroom–these resources might be a helpful place to start!
Start of School Resources
The start of the school year is a critical time for all new teachers. It is the time when you make your first impressions on the students and their parents, and the best time to set the expectations of your classroom for the rest of the year. These resources are all various tips, tools, tricks, and articles for helping teachers get the year started on the best note!
- This article is an interview with a new teacher and her thoughts on the first day as well as the future of education. The article describes her experiences as a first year
- This article emphasizes the importance of establishing expectations within a classroom on the first day, as well as other important aspects to consider before embarking on your first day of school.
- This site gives tips for back to school for teachers. It includes classroom set up, prepping for the first week, classroom management, and working with parents.
- This website offers resources to help teachers stay organized including back to school checklists, decoration ideas, letters to parents, and ideas from real teachers.
- This article from the NEA gives tips for classroom management for new teachers. Many teachers are nervous about going into new classroom and managing student behavior as well as the learning environment, but this article offers four areas to consider to establish an environment that promotes learning while being safe and structured.
Continue reading 'Resource File'»
All Posts, ED 327 Curriculum and Instructional Strategies for Middle Level Learners, Resources, Standard #5: Innovative Applications of Content., Standard #6: Assessment, Standard #7: Planning for Instruction., Standard #8: Instructional Strategies., Standard 3: Inquiry, Standard 6: Curriculum, Standard 7: Science in the Community, Standard 8: Assessment
| Resources
NSTA Standards, Standard 1: Content, Standard 10: Professional Growth, Standard 2: Nature of Science, Standard 3: Inquiry, Standard 4: Issues, Standard 5: General Skills of Teaching, Standard 6: Curriculum, Standard 7: Science in the Community, Standard 8: Assessment, Standard 9: Safety and Welfare