ED 327 Reflection 1
September 19, 2012
First Impressions…
Upon meeting Mr. Pitcock my interest was piqued! He explained he completed his undergraduate degree from Purdue University in elementary education, then after a few years of teaching returned to IUPUI to pursue a few more classes which would allow him the added licensure to teach at the middle school level. Continue reading 'Reflection of First 2 Weeks at Westlane Middle School'»
All Posts, ED 327 Curriculum and Instructional Strategies for Middle Level Learners, Shelbi, Standard #2: Learning Differences., Standard #3: Learning Environments., Standard #5: Innovative Applications of Content., Standard #7: Planning for Instruction., Standard #8: Instructional Strategies., Standard #9: Reflection and Continuous Growth., Standard 1: Content, Standard 3: Inquiry
| Classroom Management, Science Classroom, Student Focus
This is my first opportunity to operate a blog site. This is beginning as an assigment for my ED 245 course at Butler University, but I expect in the future it will become something I would use in the classroom environment. Blogs have great application as communication tools in the learning environment, something that I feel is an intregral part of the education process. I am excited to begin to develop my blog to record my experiences here at Butler. Through the education program, I expect to learn how to develop a teaching philosophy and classroom environment that promotes a stimulating and exciting learing experience.